Merkstrategie gaan over fundamentele vragen als: wie zijn wij, wat doen we, waarom doen we dit en welke waarden en beelden hebben wij.
Merkanalyse en merkstrategie worden soms overgeslagen door organisaties en willen meteen door naar het logo-ontwerp. Er wordt geen antwoord gegeven op fundamentele vragen over wie, wat, waarom, wanneer en waar…
A good starting point is to look at where you are in the marketplace, how you are perceived by customers and by taking a look at your competitors’ brands. Many companies may collate such data as part of their day-to-day business but for those that don’t, our brand specialists at Hyphen can help. Brand analysis is particularly important if you are looking to rebrand and it’s always a valuable exercise to get someone external to the company to take a fresh look.
Developing a strategy is vital in understanding where you are going as a brand. It breaks down the elements of your brand to give it a personality and illustrate the benefits to your target audience.
Once the brand strategy has been established, the elements give our creative team inspiration to begin building your logo and brand identity